to the KARS web site
The Kankakee Area Radio Society
Kankakee, Illinois - Kankakee County - USAKARS is an amateur radio Club, a service organization located in Kankakee, Illinois.
KARS is proud to affiliate itself with the American Radio Relay League - ARRL.
ARRL is the National Organization for Ham Radio and our voice (lobby) in Washington.Illinois is in the ARRL Central Division along with Indiana and Wisconsin.
Division Director Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA and
Vice Director Brent A Walls N9BA
are our representatives in ARRL policy making.
Illinois Section Manager Thomas Beebe, W9RY
represents us in the ARRL Field Organization.
Visit the ARRL Central Division Web Site for Central Division News and Views.KARS is devoted to the promotion of amateur or "ham" radio as it is known by some.
If you are not familiar with the subject, a great web page on ham radio covered it very well
on the ARRL Web: at this link, Click Here.Many vocations and decades of experience are
represented here within the KARS Organization.KARS Club meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month.
Non-members are always encouraged to attend.Our banner newsletter "KARS KEY KLICKS"
is published monthly by the dedicated team of K9QT, K9NR and N9IO.
Current and past issues are listed at the top of this page in Adobe pdf format.Training and Testing help available. Good monthly programs and other activities.
Potential members are encouraged to apply.
Be part of the KARS team,
help support the many fine systems and programs of
The Kankakee Area Radio Society Click HERE and Join KARS Today
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