DX Links
SMC - Society of Midwest Contesters - www.w9smc.com

"DX Summit" DX WebCluster - Sponsored by OH2AQ
DX Summit runs in a dedicated system, which gives
better possibilities for developing new features.
The system is built up and operated with support of
OH2AQ Radio Club.

QTH.COM EXCELLENT Ham Radio resource web site,
Scott Neaders (KA9FOX's) masterpiece!

KA9FOX Home Page Scott's web site Is devoted to Contesters and DXing

CONTESTING.COM The Ultimate Site For Radio Contesting Information

DXpedition to the Spratly Islands, 9M0M Island of Layang Layang
The Midwest Perspective by Jerry Rosalius WB9Z - March 2001

VK9XX - VK9YY DXPedition to Christmas and Cocos-Keeling Islands
A Photo Journal by Jerry Rosalius WB9Z - February 1999

Major DXpedition to Spratly Islands, 9M0C Are you in the 1998 log?

Earth View - Live Greyline Map (Where The DX Is)

Welcome to 59(9): The 59(9) DX Report

425DXNews Home Page - The italian Web pages for serious DXers

425DXNews - DXCC Country List

VK's on the Internet - by VK2NNN

ARRLWeb: W1AW DX Bulletins

ARRLWeb: W1AW Propagation Bulletins

DX Clubs and Associations

Antwerp DX Association

The Bavarian Contest Club


Central Arizona DX Association

Clipperton DX Club

DX Club Timisoara [ YO ]

Frankford Radio Club

French REF Home Page

Gibraltar Amateur Radio Society

GADX - Grupo Argentino de DX

The International Amateur Radio Union

The International DX Association

IOTA, Island Chasers

JARL Home Page

Kansas City DX Club Home


Lynx DX Group - Home Page

Marconi Contest Club

Mississippi Valley DX / Contest Club

Northern California DX Foundation

The North Jersey DX Association

Northern Ohio DX Association

Potomac Valley Radio Club Home Page

raDioWavE Estonia

RSO / JR6YQF Homepage

Singapore Amateur Radio Transmitting Society

Southern California DX Club

SARL - South African Radio League

South Florida DX Association

South Sandwich Island DX Group Home Page


Tajik Amateur Radio League Home Page

VA3CW's NFIDXA Home Page

W9DXCC home page / Northern Illinois Dx Association

Western PA DX Association

Western Washington DX Club

History of Car Radios Link

 Early in November 2022 KARS received an email from a librarian who was running a radio and broadcasting history class for 10 to 14 year olds.
For one of their group projects they used information received through this “dxlinks” page on the KARS website, w9az.com.
The librarian wrote “I've been able to get some great use out of your Radio Society's resource links list during these times of remote learning.
We were even able to use some of this information for our most recent group project! Thanks so much for sharing!”  One of her students, “Dylan,”
found a great article about the history of the car radio. He suggested that we add it to our links.
The article itself gives a kind of bullet point history of the car radio and includes a lot of links to valuable resources.
When added, this will help increase the amount of information which can be gleaned through our resource list.
 Who knows, maybe one of these young ones who took the librarian's classes
will be captivated by radio and someday, maybe we will here them calling CQ.
Here is that page link,  Dylan this one's for you:  https://www.caranddriver.com/features/a15128476/the-history-of-car-radios/

            HERE ~ For the KARS HOMEPAGE...!!!
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